Author: Michael Matheron


“Were You Right Or Wrong, Senator?” The Legacy Of Wrong That Is Senator John McCain, A Small Sampling

“Were you right or wrong, Senator?” John McCain to Chuck Hagel about Hagel’s disagreement with the Iraq surge At the Senate “advise and consent” confirmation hearing yesterday John McCain had so little self-knowledge that...


Egypt – An “Uh Oh” Moment

CAIRO — As three Egyptian cities defied President Mohamed Morsi’s attempt to quell the anarchy spreading through their streets, the nation’s top general warned Tuesday that the state itself was in danger of collapse...

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Louisiana’s GOP Governor Bobby Jindal Looks Into A Mirror And Calls The Republican Party “The Stupid Party”

Michael Matthew Bloomer, January 27, 2013 While addressing the Republican National Committee (RNC) last Friday in Charlotte North Carolina, another “intellectual leader” of the Republican party, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, got lost in the...


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