Author: Michael Matheron


An “Uh Oh” Moment : President Obama Cites War Powers Act, Informs Congress Of Additional Deployment Of Military Intelligence Personnel To Niger To Assist French Forces In Mali

Après cela le déluge ? At 63, with memories of our country drip, drip, dripping into foreign entanglements, I had an “Uh Oh” reaction when I read today’s Reuters report that President Obama has deployed more military...


Just In: Tea Party Patriots Issue 2nd Apology For “Rove-As-Nazi” Picture Debacle – This Time To Offended Nazi Sympathizers

BREAKING NEWS Michael Matthew Bloomer reporting for They Will Say ANYTHING! News Bureau from Tea Party Patriots headquarters at 1025 Rose Creek Dr; STE 620-322, Woodstock, GA 30189. Wednesday, February 20, 2013. Just minutes ago, the...


Senator Lindsay Graham, The Sequester, Defense Cuts, And The Swaying Palmetto State Economy

Michael Matthew Bloomer, February 18, 2013 Much of the time South Carolina’s Senator Lindsey Graham reminds me of a grade school pest, someone you want to swat away. Lately his insistence on “Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!”...

The Ongoing GOP Attack On America’s Infrastructure 0

The Ongoing GOP Attack On America’s Infrastructure

“Mr. Mica said of his House colleagues, ‘They wouldn’t vote on a Mother’s Day resolution if it had extra spending on it.’“1 In August 2012, Mark Thoma, economist and Fellow at the American Century...


What Marco Rubio Learned From His State Of The Union Response : “Hydrate! Hydrate!! Hydrate!!!”

Michael Matthew Bloomer, February 14, 2013. Marco Rubio had high hopes for his GOP response to the State of the Union address, as did his GOP colleagues. Yet,  Rubio, at the twelve-minute mark of...


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