Author: Michael Matheron


Bizarre State Laws : Former City Vice-Mayor Accused By Dozens Of Tennessee Women Of DWDB (Driving While Displaying A Bratwurst)

On February 20, Kingsport Tennessee Police arrested William Blakely, a former Mount Carmel Vice-Mayor (and apparently a well-trained contortionist) on charges of reckless driving, indecent and reckless endangerment, and criminal attempt to commit aggravated assault. All this for allegedly holding a bratwurst out of his car window while driving in excess of 85 mph


Wingnut Idea Of The Day : Whining Texas Congressloon Steve Stockman Invites All “Persecuted” Gun Owners & Manufacturers To Move To Texas

Reality Irrelevant. The man poised to replace Louis Gohmert (TX-1) as the most galactically loopy Texas representative, 36th Congressional District Congressloon Steve Stockman, is among the more vocal supporters of virtually unlimited 2nd Amendment rights. During February 2013 he...

Gun Owners Do The Funniest Things, No. 3: What, No Prostitutes? 0

Gun Owners Do The Funniest Things, No. 3: What, No Prostitutes?

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Argentinian Pope Francis Faces A Catholic Community With A Growing Hispanic, Latino, and Brazilian Majority. How Will He Rule? 0

Argentinian Pope Francis Faces A Catholic Community With A Growing Hispanic, Latino, and Brazilian Majority. How Will He Rule?

Quo Vadis? Where are you going? The Papal Conclave in Vatican City after two days and five ballots the 115-member Cardinal electors 1 chose its 266th Pope, a 76 year-old pastoral Argentinian, Cardinal Jorge...


Unemployed D.C. Duck Forced Her Newly-Born Children To Protest Sequester At Department of Interior!

Huffington Post reports that on March 1st, with the sequester to begin at 12:00 a.m. on the 2nd, children are being used to protest the upcoming cut-off of funds for programs American ducks rely upon, Ducklings only a week or two old converged on the D.C. headquarters of the U.S. Department of Interior . . .


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