Category: TWSA!’s Snapshot Series

Gun Owners Do The Funniest Things, No. 3: What, No Prostitutes? 0

Gun Owners Do The Funniest Things, No. 3: What, No Prostitutes?

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Unemployed D.C. Duck Forced Her Newly-Born Children To Protest Sequester At Department of Interior!

Huffington Post reports that on March 1st, with the sequester to begin at 12:00 a.m. on the 2nd, children are being used to protest the upcoming cut-off of funds for programs American ducks rely upon, Ducklings only a week or two old converged on the D.C. headquarters of the U.S. Department of Interior . . .

The Ongoing GOP Attack On America’s Infrastructure 0

The Ongoing GOP Attack On America’s Infrastructure

“Mr. Mica said of his House colleagues, ‘They wouldn’t vote on a Mother’s Day resolution if it had extra spending on it.’“1 In August 2012, Mark Thoma, economist and Fellow at the American Century...


What Marco Rubio Learned From His State Of The Union Response : “Hydrate! Hydrate!! Hydrate!!!”

Michael Matthew Bloomer, February 14, 2013. Marco Rubio had high hopes for his GOP response to the State of the Union address, as did his GOP colleagues. Yet,  Rubio, at the twelve-minute mark of...


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