Category: The Anythings They Say

Just In: Giuliani Throws Hail Mary For Team Romney, Candy Crowley Intercepts And Runs It All The Way Back! 0

Just In: Giuliani Throws Hail Mary For Team Romney, Candy Crowley Intercepts And Runs It All The Way Back!

At about 9:50 am on CNN’s State of the Union, Cathy Crowley intercepted a pass from an unfortunate back-up GOP quarterback Rudy Giuliani and ran it into the endzone. The pass thrown by Mayor...

Romney On Embassy Attacks: Diagnosing An Ill Campaign Showing Symptons of Metastatic Balderdash 0

Romney On Embassy Attacks: Diagnosing An Ill Campaign Showing Symptons of Metastatic Balderdash

“We’ve had this consistent critique and narrative on Obama’s foreign policy, and we felt this was a situation that met our critique, that Obama really has been pretty weak in a number of ways...

Four Reasons Why Romney’s Statements On Libya & Egypt Attacks Are Cynical & Dishonest & Potentially Suicidal 0

Four Reasons Why Romney’s Statements On Libya & Egypt Attacks Are Cynical & Dishonest & Potentially Suicidal

“The Governor is an extraordinarily well-traveled businessman, he lived overseas as a young man, he speaks French . . .” Romney foreign policy adviser, Robert O’Brien, September 11, 2012 @ BuzzFeed Suddenly, Foreign Policy...

Mitt’s Monday Night CBS Interview: On Abortion – Three Lies Masquerading As Truths 0

Mitt’s Monday Night CBS Interview: On Abortion – Three Lies Masquerading As Truths

The inimitable Mitt Romney, CBS News, Monday, August 27, 2012: “My position has been clear throughout this campaign. I’m in favor of abortion being legal in the case of rape and incest, and the...

Newt’s Very Good Day: Trump Endorses Romney! 0

Newt’s Very Good Day: Trump Endorses Romney!

And we think we’ve got troubles?  Consider for a moment the plight of Mitt Romney, the once nearly presumptive 2012 GOP Presidential candidate.  Not so nearly presumptive lately despite his big win over Newt...

Wolf Bites Weiner – CNN’s Blitzer Shocked That Weiner Lied To HIM. 0

Wolf Bites Weiner – CNN’s Blitzer Shocked That Weiner Lied To HIM.

Heaven FORFEND!!!  Wolf Blitzer, the shell that once had guts, is this minute explaining to whoever is the CNN moderator at this hour just how hurt and upset he is that Anthony Weiner lied...

Flaccid House Democratic Leaders Call For Weiner’s Resignation 0

Flaccid House Democratic Leaders Call For Weiner’s Resignation

Flaccid House Democratic Leaders Call For Weiner’s Resignation

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus Talks Weiner: They Really WILL Say Anything! 0

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus Talks Weiner: They Really WILL Say Anything!

Yesterday, on Greta Van Susteren’s On the Record, Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee reared his priebus to discuss wieners.  Anthony Weiner’s, to be exact.  Reince was in high dudgeon, to be...

Re-Elected Congressloon Steve King (R-IA) On “Obabacare” – “Anyone Got A Match?” 0

Re-Elected Congressloon Steve King (R-IA) On “Obabacare” – “Anyone Got A Match?”

“Anyone got a match?” Iowa’s Republican Congressloon Steve King’s got plans for the Affordable Care Act. Of course, he can afford the delays this will cause, as a member of Congress he’s got pretty good...

Congressman King Declares (Pyrrhic) Victory in Iraq 4

Congressman King Declares (Pyrrhic) Victory in Iraq

Pyrrhic Victory Declared! Today, Congressman Steve King (IA-R), who believes President Obama will turn the United States into “a totalitarian dictatorship,” reopened his vast mind vault and launched another misguided missile. By proposing a...


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