They Really WILL Say ANYTHING! — Tea Party Congressloon Raul Labrador Greets 2013 By Barking And Whining About Mean Old President Obama.

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Utah’s Congressman Raoul Labrador at his press conference today dramatically acted out just how upset he was by President Obama’s recent ‘fiscal cliff’ comments about the Republican party.

Another day, another weepy Republican congressloon – this time Utah’s Raul Labrador – moaning and groaning about how mean President Obama was to place the responsibility for the ever difficult fiscal cliff negotiations at the doorstep of the Republican party.

I.e. where it ought to be placed.

I.e. where the GOP does not want it placed.

Here’s the excerpt from a larger report at Huffington Post:

Rep. Raul Labrador (R-Idaho) said that he wouldn’t vote for a deal that maintained the Bush tax cuts only for income under $450,000 per year, but he suggested such a deal would likely pass the House if Obama stopped insulting Republicans.

“It’s really amazing to me that the president would do a press conference where he poked Republicans in the eye and just made it seem like he’s taking a victory lap instead of actually leading America,” Labrador told HuffPost, adding that Obama seemed to know it would anger House Republicans.1

Poor, poor Congressloon Labrador, a somewhat demented freshman Tea Party favorite with a 95.8 American Conservative Union voting rating. And here’s what’s typical of these Tea Party hypocrites:

they use our moral beliefs about “civility” against us while holding to virtually none themselves; in their common form they are loudmouthed icons of incivility.

While he’s not been around town long enough to have much of a record, here are three of this civil man’s efforts to keep it clean:

“I was fortunate enough to be an American citizen by birth and I have the birth certificate to prove it.” CPAC speech, 02-10-2011

“The most biased people are the Democrats.” Meet the Press, 04-08-2012

“Democrats are like bank robbers … The money is not in the 2 percent. It’s in the 100 percent. They want to raise taxes on everyone.” ABC News’ This Week, 12-30-2012these-boots-are-made-for-walking-79

I’m not myself a civil man when confronted by wingnut bullies. And I don’t claim to be civil, so I’m legitimately able to comment of this. A traffic accident, civil I am. If someone cuts in line, no fistfight. Civil objection. Seventh Day Adventists camped on my doorstep? I simply wait them out. With wingnuts though, you’ll see me up on my hind feet pretty quick. That’s what we all must try more often during this new year,  I think. Don’t engage them.

Radical right wingers are not reachable through reason, or shame, or communal spirit. We can’t change their minds with the same approach we use to change each others’ minds. Confronted by self-centered right wingers we simply must stop arguing with them, they only dishonestly and cynically use our own beliefs against us, often as if they shared them as well.

Perhaps we should just say, about Medicare, for example, “You’ll end Medicare over my dead body,” and walk away. Stonewall them. Save our mental and physical energy for the real, the meaningful, fights to come. They soon enough shall.


  1. Fiscal Cliff Passes For ‘Disgusted,’ ‘Disappointed’ Congress, Michael McAuliff, Huffington Post, 01-01-2013

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Michael Matheron

From Presidents Ronald Reagan through George W. Bush, I was a senior legislative research and policy staff of the nonpartisan Library of Congress Congressional Research Service (CRS). I'm partisan here, an "aggressive progressive." I'm a contributor to The Fold and Nation of Change. Welcome to They Will Say ANYTHING! Come back often! . . . . . Michael Matheron, contact me at

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