They Will Say ANYTHING! . . . Disturbingly Left of Center

The Ongoing GOP Attack On America’s Infrastructure 0

The Ongoing GOP Attack On America’s Infrastructure

“Mr. Mica said of his House colleagues, ‘They wouldn’t vote on a Mother’s Day resolution if it had extra spending on it.’“1 In August 2012, Mark Thoma, economist and Fellow at the American Century...


What Marco Rubio Learned From His State Of The Union Response : “Hydrate! Hydrate!! Hydrate!!!”

Michael Matthew Bloomer, February 14, 2013. Marco Rubio had high hopes for his GOP response to the State of the Union address, as did his GOP colleagues. Yet,  Rubio, at the twelve-minute mark of...


“Were You Right Or Wrong, Senator?” The Legacy Of Wrong That Is Senator John McCain, A Small Sampling

“Were you right or wrong, Senator?” John McCain to Chuck Hagel about Hagel’s disagreement with the Iraq surge At the Senate “advise and consent” confirmation hearing yesterday John McCain had so little self-knowledge that...


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