After The Election : Where Are They Now? — 4th In A Series : Florida’s Tea Party Extraordinaire Congressloon Allen West

(Soon-to-be-former) Congressloon Allen West of Florida’s gold coast 18th district conceded the November 6th election to now Democratic Congressman-to-be Patrick Murphy after receiving nearly 2,000 less votes than his Mr. Murphy. Lawyers for the soon-to-be-just-plain-loon Allen West successfully convinced the soon-to-be-former incumbent that a deficit of that amount was neither a “tie,” nor a “win,” as West had maintained for nearly two weeks. Although Mr. West apparently still believed with all of his heart that he won the election,he warily and uncharacteristically accepted the repercussions of two things: (1) the complete absence of evidence of voter fraud and (2) basic first grade arithmetic, and yesterday on Fox News’ Fox & Friends conceded to Mr. Murphy.
He also rleased this characteristically cranky concession statement as well:
“While a contest of the election results might have changed the vote totals, we do not have evidence that the outcome would change. Given the extremely high evidentiary hurdles involved in a successful challenge, I will not ask my generous supporters to help fund a drawn-out, expensive legal effort with little chance of success.”1
So, where is he now, two weeks after the 2012 election and 18 hours after his 6:00 a.a. FOX News announcement. Scientists at the Space Telescope Operations Control Center at Goddard Space Flight Center have the answer, and revealed it this morning:
- Allen West Patrick Murphy concession statement: Murphy eager to ‘put election behind us’, Jonathan Matisse,, November 21,2012. ↩