Tagged: law

Unanimous Supreme Court Declaratory Judgment Declares “Rudy Giuliani Is A Dingbat,” Unfit For Federal Law Practice

Michael J. Matheron, May 18, 2018 Early today, we reporters on the Supreme Court beat stirred out of our communal stupor when a declaratory judgment by a unanimous court declared Rudy Giuliani “a dingbat.”1 ...


Six Redskins Trademarks Canceled – Here’s The Cover Letter That The Government Thought Was “Too Technical” For You!

Michael Matthew Bloomer, June 19, 2014. The sports world and the other parts of the world learned today that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in Washington D.C. cancelled six of the Washington Redskins’...


Bizarre State Laws : Former City Vice-Mayor Accused By Dozens Of Tennessee Women Of DWDB (Driving While Displaying A Bratwurst)

On February 20, Kingsport Tennessee Police arrested William Blakely, a former Mount Carmel Vice-Mayor (and apparently a well-trained contortionist) on charges of reckless driving, indecent and reckless endangerment, and criminal attempt to commit aggravated assault. All this for allegedly holding a bratwurst out of his car window while driving in excess of 85 mph


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