Tagged: crime

Freddie Gray’s Neckbreaking Ride: Slideshow Of Interior Details Similar To Baltimore Detainee Transport Vans. Actual Pictures Thus Far Withheld From Media

Television reporters assert that Baltimore police authorities have refused to provide pictures of the interior of their detainee transport vans, infamously known as “paddy wagons.” I took the challenge to find some interior shots more close-in than previously published. Google and Bing came back empty when I asked for “Baltimore prisoner transport van interior,” and other more general search terms. I did find pictures of Baltimore transport . . .

Baltimore Police ‘Press Conference’ Takes No Questions. Deputy Commissioner’s Summary Ignores The Most Important Issue: Why Was Mr. Gray NOT Delivered First To A Hospital?

Michael JF Matheron, April 30, 2015. Just a few minutes ago the Baltimore police held a so-called news conference regarding Freddie Gray’s April 12th arrest but stated at the outset they would take no press questions. Baltimore Deputy Commissioner...


Bizarre State Laws : Former City Vice-Mayor Accused By Dozens Of Tennessee Women Of DWDB (Driving While Displaying A Bratwurst)

On February 20, Kingsport Tennessee Police arrested William Blakely, a former Mount Carmel Vice-Mayor (and apparently a well-trained contortionist) on charges of reckless driving, indecent and reckless endangerment, and criminal attempt to commit aggravated assault. All this for allegedly holding a bratwurst out of his car window while driving in excess of 85 mph

Nancy Lanza May Have Illegally Owned The Bushmaster .223 Used By Her Son In The Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre 0

Nancy Lanza May Have Illegally Owned The Bushmaster .223 Used By Her Son In The Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre

[Reader’s note: All in-text hyperlinks in this post (if any) are not links I have attached to the post. They are malware infesting the internet. Don’t click them. They are spam. I’m trying to...

Connecticut Elementary School Mass Murder – The Massacre Script 0

Connecticut Elementary School Mass Murder – The Massacre Script

[Reader’s note: All in-text hyperlinks in this post (such as “radio stations” below) are not links I have attached to the post. They are malware infesting the internet. Don’t click them. They are spam. I’m trying to...

Connecticut Elementary School Massacre – Here Are Two Sources For Connecticut’s Gun Laws 0

Connecticut Elementary School Massacre – Here Are Two Sources For Connecticut’s Gun Laws

Here are two sources for Connecticut’s gun laws: I can, to some extent, understand the emotion behind a boycott of gun law discussions today, yet, can we not do both . . . today?...


Romney & Ryan Budget Math Nonsense : Both Are In Good Company With Other Business Geniuses Who Also Said Their Numbers Added Up.

During the second Presidential Debate in mid-October recall this incredibly revealing exchange about Mitt’s deficit reduction promises: CROWLEY: . . . If somehow when you get in there, there isn’t enough tax revenue coming...

Just In: Sandusky Gets 30 To 60 Years In Prison, Victim Four, “I will not forgive you.” Sobbing Victim Number Six Speaks Eloquently, 0

Just In: Sandusky Gets 30 To 60 Years In Prison, Victim Four, “I will not forgive you.” Sobbing Victim Number Six Speaks Eloquently,

Jerry Sandusky just got a minimum of 30 years in prison for multiple counts of child abuse in the Penn State scandal. Victim four and six spoke, Sandusky continued to express his innocence ....


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