Tagged: Bachmann crazy


Nearly Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann Bagged By HUGE Entertainment Conglomerate

Bachmann will have the Marvel moniker Bachmahntu [Bahch-mahn-TOO], and portray the founding member of a new Marvel group, the Humbuggernaut Crew.

The crew will eventually grow to twenty-five or more failed, disreputable, berserk, or failed, disreputable and berserk legislators from far-flung black holes. According to Mr. Perlmutter, as a consequence of their knee-jerk lying, unapologetic pandering, craven self-interest, and clinically berserk legislative hijinks, Humbuggernaut Crew members become so toxic to their civilizations they are permanently exiled, forced to roam multi-universes seeking new life forms to mercilessly humbug and deceive. With this universe-wide voting constituency Humbuggernauts aim to establish galactic legislative dominance where all enacted laws will benefit Humbuggernauts alone.


Please, Repeal YOURSELF! On The First Day Of The 113th Congress Congressloon Michele Bachmann Introduces The First Bill To Repeal Obamacare

Michael Matthew Bloomer, January 3, 2013   Are you surprised??   P.S. Thanks to Scott Raymond (see his tweet below) for the great line I paraphrased in my title: “Michele Bachmann, Repeal Yourself!” Also,...

Hi! This Is Michele Bachmann. God Just Shook My Office!! 0

Hi! This Is Michele Bachmann. God Just Shook My Office!!

The Office of the Honorable Michele Bachmann  103 Cannon HOB     Washington, D.C.  20515  Today, Praise God!    Thank you, Jesus!!!!      Dear America,  God just shook my office!   Yes.   And Halell . ....


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