Tagged: ambassador

Just In: Giuliani Throws Hail Mary For Team Romney, Candy Crowley Intercepts And Runs It All The Way Back! 0

Just In: Giuliani Throws Hail Mary For Team Romney, Candy Crowley Intercepts And Runs It All The Way Back!

At about 9:50 am on CNN’s State of the Union, Cathy Crowley intercepted a pass from an unfortunate back-up GOP quarterback Rudy Giuliani and ran it into the endzone. The pass thrown by Mayor...

Romney On Embassy Attacks: Diagnosing An Ill Campaign Showing Symptons of Metastatic Balderdash 0

Romney On Embassy Attacks: Diagnosing An Ill Campaign Showing Symptons of Metastatic Balderdash

“We’ve had this consistent critique and narrative on Obama’s foreign policy, and we felt this was a situation that met our critique, that Obama really has been pretty weak in a number of ways...

Four Reasons Why Romney’s Statements On Libya & Egypt Attacks Are Cynical & Dishonest & Potentially Suicidal 0

Four Reasons Why Romney’s Statements On Libya & Egypt Attacks Are Cynical & Dishonest & Potentially Suicidal

“The Governor is an extraordinarily well-traveled businessman, he lived overseas as a young man, he speaks French . . .” Romney foreign policy adviser, Robert O’Brien, September 11, 2012 @ BuzzFeed Suddenly, Foreign Policy...


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