” . . .cheer the soldiers who’d refrained from dying . . .” Siegfried Sassoon (1886–1967) Fight to the Finish fr. Counter-Attack and Other Poems. 1918. Please follow and like us:
“The highest patriotism is not a blind acceptance of official policy, but a love of one’s country deep enough to call her to a higher plain” George McGovern, (1922-2012) Please follow and like us:
There was Michele Obama; a certain President; a familiar Vice President; a big Big Dog called Bill Clinton; a bombastically animated former Michigan Governor, Jennifer Granholm; a young woman of extraordinary promise, Sandra Fluke;...
On the boulevard. Six months after firebrand Anthony Weiner’s resignation from Congress after being abandoned by nearly everyone, including his own Democratic party, he and Huma Abedin welcomed a son, Jordan, to their world....