Category: Foreign Policy

Four Reasons Why Romney’s Statements On Libya & Egypt Attacks Are Cynical & Dishonest & Potentially Suicidal 0

Four Reasons Why Romney’s Statements On Libya & Egypt Attacks Are Cynical & Dishonest & Potentially Suicidal

“The Governor is an extraordinarily well-traveled businessman, he lived overseas as a young man, he speaks French . . .” Romney foreign policy adviser, Robert O’Brien, September 11, 2012 @ BuzzFeed Suddenly, Foreign Policy...

9-11, 11 Years Later: Our Fighting Men & Women, Just Plain Old “Employees” To Romney & Ryan 0

9-11, 11 Years Later: Our Fighting Men & Women, Just Plain Old “Employees” To Romney & Ryan

Perhaps the best day to consider this . . . “No nominee for president should ever fail in the midst of a war to pay tribute to our troops overseas in his acceptance speech....

Nine Years Ago Today The Iraq War Began — Shock & Awe Then, Shock & Awe Now . . . 0

Nine Years Ago Today The Iraq War Began — Shock & Awe Then, Shock & Awe Now . . .

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Congressman King Declares (Pyrrhic) Victory in Iraq 4

Congressman King Declares (Pyrrhic) Victory in Iraq

Pyrrhic Victory Declared! Today, Congressman Steve King (IA-R), who believes President Obama will turn the United States into “a totalitarian dictatorship,” reopened his vast mind vault and launched another misguided missile. By proposing a...


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