Yesterday, the words “Democrat” and “orgasm” were combined in one sentence by a man for whom the very idea of the latter word leaping from his mouth is enough to put even Charlie Sheen...
The Thanksgiving holiday will leave one man, Jose Alonzo Salame of San Antonio Texas, a contented man, assured of his rights to carry a concealed handgun in public, and to wave it around. Here’s a...
“I think Susan Rice has been a little more interventionist than John Kerry,” he pointed out. “John Kerry was a guy who loved the Assad regime in Syria. John Kerry has been against our...
When the “You’re Fired” guy – and Sarasota Florida GOP “Statesman of the Year”1 – gets his orange dander up, watch out! And Donald Trump always has his dander up. So, after a petition...
“My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub.” Grover Norquist, 20011 Despite his whoppingly wrong predictions...
(Soon-to-be-former) Congressloon Allen West of Florida’s gold coast 18th district conceded the November 6th election to now Democratic Congressman-to-be Patrick Murphy after receiving nearly 2,000 less votes than his Mr. Murphy. Lawyers for the soon-to-be-just-plain-loon Allen...
“. . . in a real dark night of the soul it is always three o’clock in the morning, day after day. At that hour the tendency is to refuse to face things as...
KRMG of Tulsa, Oklahoma reports: “A petition on the White House website calling for Oklahoma to secede from the union has received more than 12,000 ‘signatures’ as of early Tuesday evening.”1 Well, 14,000 more and...
(Full story follows) Former Presidential candidate, former Speaker of the House, and former self-styled Dean of Nutbag University, New Gingrich has been busy since the end of his candidacy five months ago. Gingrich, acknowledged...
Long before Mitt Romney was the 2012 GOP candidate, Republicans heard everywhere that their message on many women’s issues was a bit off key. Outside Shadow Land where they live, others went a bit...