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The Word “Truth” Is Nowhere In The Constitution – Tom Tancredo, Colorado’s American Constitution Party Candidate for Governor.

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Hair styling was not a concern of the Framers.

 Circa 2008. Then presidential primary candidate Barack Obama somewhat infamously told a San Francisco crowd:

“You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years. . . And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” [Italics added]

“What is truth?” asked jesting Tancredo, but would not stay for an answer.  Yesterday, Colorado gubernatorial candidate Tom Tancredo disastrously paraphrased those words whilst maintaining Obama was one of his gubernotorial opponent’s “mentor[s],” Democrat John Hickenlooper.

Denver Post writer Jessica Fender reported:

Just one problem: The few extra words Tancredo put into Obama’s mouth made the misquoted comment race-specific.  

A young Constitutionalist, on his
birthday, Dec. 20, 1952.

“(Democrat John Hickenlooper’s) mentor, the guy who talked him into running, a guy by the name of Barack Obama, remember what he said about those folks. ‘When the going gets tough, when economic times get tough, these bitter white people cling to their guns and Bibles,’ Tancredo said to more than 125 people in a Montrose Holiday Inn. ‘If you’re going to cling to something, those are damn good things to cling to.'”

Show Me the Word “Truth”!!!   Perhaps surprisingly, the word “truth” is nowhere to be found in the U.S. Constitution.  But American Constitution Party candidate Tancredo undoubtedly knows that, given his reaction to misquoting Barack Obama’s 2008 comment in San Fran.  The fact is that primary candidate Obama did not name “white people” in his San Francisco speech, as you can plainly see above. Surely one can cut Tancredo some slack here, gaffes on the campaign trail are commonplace and easily corrected, and the Constitution is, as I’ve shown, silent on “truth” so an American Constitution Party member may ignore it, black letter and spirit. 

Fully functioning Constitutionally.

Thus, when informed of his misstatement, the inimitable Tom replied in a surprising way: he accidentally told the truth, revealing character traits that most better tethered candidates would take extreme care to hide. 
“I probably should have checked it out,” Tancredo said, laughing. “I was being corrected all over the place. I said, ‘Okay, I’ll just take the most inflammatory one I can think of and accept that it’s true. . . .  White people. He’s talking about white people.‘” [Italics added]

Whoops, I Told the Truth!  Constitutional scholarship aside, the “accidental truth telling” by the former Congressman was, of course, his implicit admission that truth is simply one choice among alternative lies. That’s not surprising when one checks Tancredo’s history. For example:

And these gems, from The Ed Schultz “Psycho Talk” segment:

Had enough?  [If not, see Talking Points Memo] Well, here’s one more, from his speech at the Tea Party convention 8 months ago:

Will He Win?  Aside from Rasmussen’s October 15th poll and one by Magellan Services released on the 22nd, other polling organizations show Hickenlooper with a substantial lead, in the 10-12% range.  The GOP candidate, Dan Maes, is polling in single digits. 

It’s unlikely that we’ll be addressing the former congressman as “Mr. Governor.” Yet one can still be amazed and, candidly, freaked out that a man like Tom Tancredo got as far as he did, and as a member of a political party having “Constitution” in its title. Perhaps, as of November 3rd, he can find work as a National Constitution Center scholar, and sniff out any illegal immigrants, jihadists, Marxists, Socialists, gays, or even the “racist” Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, should any of them show up for the walking tour . . .

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Michael Matheron

From Presidents Ronald Reagan through George W. Bush, I was a senior legislative research and policy staff of the nonpartisan Library of Congress Congressional Research Service (CRS). I'm partisan here, an "aggressive progressive." I'm a contributor to The Fold and Nation of Change. Welcome to They Will Say ANYTHING! Come back often! . . . . . Michael Matheron, contact me at mjmmoose@gmail.com

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1 Response

  1. askcherlock says:

    I seriously cannot wait till this election is over. Some of the blatant lies and rhetoric have turned my from political junkie to nauseous reader. I have never seen things so bad. Sadly, I do not expect that to change even after the election.

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