Reality Irrelevant. The man poised to replace Louis Gohmert (TX-1) as the most galactically loopy Texas representative, 36th Congressional District Congressloon Steve Stockman, is among the more vocal supporters of virtually unlimited 2nd Amendment rights. During February 2013 he...
Michael Matthew Bloomer, January 1, 2013 Here’s the HuffPo headline:U.S. Fiscal Cliff Deal Leaves Republicans Angry, Deal In Jeopardy 1 The article uncovers a predictable rift between House and Senate Republicans. The House, according...
A service of TWSA!‘s Snapshot Series for those of us who learn-through-visuals: For a few words on this, see H.R. 8, The ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Bill, Passes Senate : Here’s The Official Text. Now, About...
Long before Mitt Romney was the 2012 GOP candidate, Republicans heard everywhere that their message on many women’s issues was a bit off key. Outside Shadow Land where they live, others went a bit...