Tagged: John McCain


“Were You Right Or Wrong, Senator?” The Legacy Of Wrong That Is Senator John McCain, A Small Sampling

“Were you right or wrong, Senator?” John McCain to Chuck Hagel about Hagel’s disagreement with the Iraq surge At the Senate “advise and consent” confirmation hearing yesterday John McCain had so little self-knowledge that...

The Ghost Of Christmas Past . . . Mitt Romney Haunted By Long Dead Tax Returns 1

The Ghost Of Christmas Past . . . Mitt Romney Haunted By Long Dead Tax Returns

Yesterday, Mitt Romney visited his campaign television network, FOXROM, and the topic eventually moved, of course, to those darned tax returns. Here’s what he had to say about the unending controversy over his refusal...

BOO!!! Like in Really Really BOO!!! 0

BOO!!! Like in Really Really BOO!!!

Introducing the Pappy McCracky Halloween mask! Note that VP Cheney has sued McCracky for infringing his trademarked smile. Please follow and like us:


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