In Texas, A Shaky Foothold : Will Obamacare Establish – And Hold – A Beachhead?

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“I look forward to implementing health care solutions that are right for the people of Texas.
I urge  you to support me in that effort. In the meantime,
the PPACA’s (“Obamacare”‘s) unsound encroachments will find



Texas Governor Rick Perry,
July 9, 2012 letter to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius
opting-out of “Obamacare” Medicaid expansion & health care exchanges,
writing, “I stand proudly with the growing chorus of governors who reject the PPACA power grab.”

Obamacare forces storm ashore near GalvestonDespite Governor Perry’s admonition, a contingent of Obamacare forces have established a thin foothold on Texas soil, whether they can move inland – or even hang on to their small slice of Texas  – is the question. Expect counter attacks by average Texans, Tea Partiers, and GOP lawmakers miffed that their Governor dropped his guard and allowed this frightening incursion by a federal program into States Rights Land.

Politico reported yesterday:

Gov. Rick Perry wants to kill Obamacare dead, but Texas health officials are  in talks with the Obama administration about accepting an estimated $100 million available through the health law to care for the elderly and disabled, POLITICO  has learned.

Perry health aides are negotiating with the Obama administration on the terms of an optional Obamacare program that would allow Texas to claim stepped-up Medicaid funding for the care of people with disabilities.

The so-called Community First Choice program aims to enhance the quality of services available to the disabled and elderly in their homes or communities.  Similar approaches have had bipartisan support around the country. About 12,000 Texans are expected to benefit in the first year of the program.

One certainly can’t fault the program’s objectives. Yet, why seek Obamacare funds? Why make a deal with the that devilish Obamacare?Rick Perry - I will not give in to Obamacare

Perry spokesman Josh Havens said in a statement that the governor has long sought to help people with disabilities.

“Long before Obamacare was forced on the American people, Texas was implementing policies to provide those with intellectual disabilities more  community options to enable them to live more independent lives, at a lower cost  to taxpayers,” the statement read. “The Texas Health and Human Services  Commission will continue to move forward with these policies because they are right for our citizens and our state, regardless of whatever funding schemes may be found in Obamacare.”

In other words, we’ll hold our noses and take a taste of that nasty Obamacare brew, hidebound principles be damned. The question, of course:

If Obamacare offends you, and threatens your state sovereignty, then why not stand fast to your damned Texas-big principles and raise the damned $100,000,000 you need for your own damned health care program?

Tough choice Governor, remember, footholds often become beachheads, and 2016 beckons . . .

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Michael Matheron

From Presidents Ronald Reagan through George W. Bush, I was a senior legislative research and policy staff of the nonpartisan Library of Congress Congressional Research Service (CRS). I'm partisan here, an "aggressive progressive." I'm a contributor to The Fold and Nation of Change. Welcome to They Will Say ANYTHING! Come back often! . . . . . Michael Matheron, contact me at

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