Congressman Steve King Objects To Barack Obama’s Middle Name, But What About His Own?

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On Thursday, Politico’s Daniel Libit reported that Wingnut über alles, Congressman Steven Arnold King objects. Most strenuously. What is it that we should consider objecting most strenuously to? President Elect Barack Hussein Obama intends to follow a longstanding swearing in tradition,* and use his middle name – the surname of his Kenyan father – when he is sworn in on Tuesday as the 44th President of the United States. My God, and I thought the economic mudslide or the Iraq war were things more strenuously objectionable. But thanks to Congressloon King, you live, you learn.

It’s always inspiring and educational to hear what Congressman King has to say. Last year he predicted that Al Quida types would be “dancing in the streets” should Obama be elected. Being the stand up guy he is, he even told Geraldo Rivera (how-is-it-he-still-has-a-job) that if he was proved wrong (which he was), “I will come and apologize to you and everybody in America.” Like Motel 6, I’ll keep the light on for that one . . .

King, always rated among the worst or dumbest people in Congress, or on earth, is a lunatic. He might almost cause the wingnuttiest among us to say, “He said what?” He’s notorious for his words and for his votes, even among his fellow travelers in the GOP. Although he marches in lockstep with his GOP counterparts, some of his side trips have been jaw dropping. In October 2008, in the midst of a growing economic catastrophe, he was one of 28 of 396 Congressfolks – and most of his own party – to vote against extending unemployment benefits. Previously, in September, he joined 27 other Scrooges to vote down the Elder Abuse Victims Act. Homeless Emergency Assistance? “Nay,” with 67 others. How about overriding the veto of the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act? “Nay,” again, with 41 others. For crying out loud, this guy couldn’t even bring himself to vote for a bill patting AmeriCorps on the back! It was a bill with no budget consequences that simply “encourage[d] all citizens to join in a national effort to salute AmeriCorps members and alumni, and raise awareness about the importance of national and community service.” He’s against that? Thank God there was no vote on puppies or Motherhood. Remember too, that all the bills listed above were supported by the GOP, often en masse. Here’s where you can see the scores upon scores of things he apparently strenuously objected to that most other wingnuts did not.

And Who Is He To Talk About Middle Names Anyway? So, he thinks “Hussein” is a perfectly nasty middle name to carry around, much less publicize at a Presidential inauguration. It’s replete, he believes, with all kinds of malodorous connections. It appeals to the crazies, the terrorists, the traitors, the . . . wait a gosh darn minute . . . The distinguished Congressnut’s full name is Steven Arnold King. There’s something about that middle name that brings back memories of third grade American history . . . Something about the Revolutionary War . . . A military commander of the fort at West Point who tried to surrender it to the British and thus open the entire Hudson River to British naval might and cut the colonies in two, north from south . . . A man who has become a byword – the icon – for treason in the United States, Benedict ARNOLD.

So, the next time a discussion of middle names comes up, perhaps the extinguished Congressman Steven Arnold King might recall his own, and Shut. The. Hell. Up!

A BIG thanks to YouTube’s HUMANITAINMENT.COM for the video!!
Find more of his great stuff right herrrrrrre.

* The use of the middle name in Presidential swearing in ceremonies is not universal, however. Neither Carter nor Reagan did so, and it is not required by the Constitution. For a nice article see this one.

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Michael Matheron

From Presidents Ronald Reagan through George W. Bush, I was a senior legislative research and policy staff of the nonpartisan Library of Congress Congressional Research Service (CRS). I'm partisan here, an "aggressive progressive." I'm a contributor to The Fold and Nation of Change. Welcome to They Will Say ANYTHING! Come back often! . . . . . Michael Matheron, contact me at

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