Author: Michael Matheron

Romney Displays Lots Of Nerve, Little Truth 0

Romney Displays Lots Of Nerve, Little Truth Q What about the Republicans saying that you’re blaming the Europeans for the failures of your own policies? THE PRESIDENT: The truth of the matter is that, as I said, we’ve created 4.3...

Mitt’s Mendacious Mook Mishandles Massachusetts Money Math 0

Mitt’s Mendacious Mook Mishandles Massachusetts Money Math

“The Truth Can Maim You, A Half-Truth Can Kill You” – Editor, TWSA!  To paraphrase Joel Best, an author who dissects the political misuse of data, “Not all data starts out bad, but any data...

Doubts About Scouts, Part IV: With Child Sexual Abuse Scandals Successfully Handled, Catholic Bishops Now Freed Up To Chase Girl Scouts 0

Doubts About Scouts, Part IV: With Child Sexual Abuse Scandals Successfully Handled, Catholic Bishops Now Freed Up To Chase Girl Scouts

With their highly successful and inspired handling of the child sexual abuse scandal under its belt, the Roman Catholic hierarchy need no longer be distracted from more pressing matters, like naughty nuns. Operating under...

Just In: Donald Trump Releases New Birth Certificate Evidence That President Obama Is “Something Other” 0

Just In: Donald Trump Releases New Birth Certificate Evidence That President Obama Is “Something Other”

Special Report. Reporting from Trump International Las Vegas, 10:45 a.m. (EDST). For immediate release. After completing my exclusive report on the outrageous jury behavior at the John Edwards trial, I received a call from...

Exclusive Report — The John Edwards Trial: A Jury Gone Randy 0

Exclusive Report — The John Edwards Trial: A Jury Gone Randy

The inimitable politician John Edwards was acquitted yesterday on one charge of violating campaign finance laws. Federal District Court Judge Catherine Eagles declared a mistrial on the remaining five charges. There’s more to the...

Business Presidents 0

Business Presidents At a campaign rally in Las Vegas yesterday, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney touted the idea of making anyone who does not have a business background as ineligible for the White House as...

Exclusive Vegas Interview: Trump Aborts Birthers & Delivers Stunning New Allegations 0

Exclusive Vegas Interview: Trump Aborts Birthers & Delivers Stunning New Allegations

May 29, 2012. Reporting from Las Vegas, Nevada. Bad news for those who applaud entertainer Donald Trump’s obsession with the reliability of President Obama’s birth certificate. He’s dropping the issue. Completely. He’s moving on,...

Donald Trump, Birther Laureate — 3 Reasons Why He Keeps Questioning President Obama’s Birth Certificate 0

Donald Trump, Birther Laureate — 3 Reasons Why He Keeps Questioning President Obama’s Birth Certificate

A Call For Compassion    George Will, the right wing demi-intellectual masquerading as an 18th century conservative, thinks Donald’s an “ignoramus.” Another more forthright wingnut, Charles Krauthammer observed that Trump “spouts provocative nonsense, operative...

Chris Hayes – Hero Reference 0

Chris Hayes – Hero Reference

Willie Nelson – Heroes | In stores now I think it’s interesting because I think it is very difficult to talk about the war dead and the fallen without invoking valor, without invoking the...

Memorial Day 2012 – The Truest Fog Of War 0

Memorial Day 2012 – The Truest Fog Of War

”But the past is just the same,—and War’s a bloody game. . . . Have you forgotten yet? . . . Look down, and swear by the slain of the War that you’ll never...


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