Author: Michael Matheron

Note To Marek: Don’t Ever Date A Proctologist!! 1

Note To Marek: Don’t Ever Date A Proctologist!!

This news courtesy of Jonathan Turley’sblog Res Ipsa Loquitor,and indeed, it does >:”Dr. Anna Mackowiak is being accused of a horrific act of vengeance against her ex-boyfriend, Marek Olszewski. The Polish dentist had agreed...

0 — “Otterbein University offers program to prepare teachers for Early Childhood (Pre-K through grade 3), Middle Childhood (grades 4-9), and Secondary (adolescent/young adult, grades 7-12) settings. Our students can be licensed to teach...

Otterbein student evaluates Romney 0

Otterbein student evaluates Romney is a combination of all student media groups in the Department of Communication at Otterbein University in Westerville, Ohio. OPINION: Student says Romney is unprepared for presidency T&C opinion editor examines Romney’s views...

Otterbein, Oh Otterbein 0

Otterbein, Oh Otterbein The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) (see Organizational Chart) is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education in the U.S. and other nations. NCES is located within...

Yesterday’s Student Loan Interest Rate Legislation — GOP Labels The Prevention and Public Health Fund A “Slush Fund” And Kills It 1

Yesterday’s Student Loan Interest Rate Legislation — GOP Labels The Prevention and Public Health Fund A “Slush Fund” And Kills It

Yesterday, the majority House GOP caused Democrats to trade off repealing the portion of Affordable Health Care Act that created the Department of Health & Human Service (HHS) Prevention and Public Health Fund (PPHF)...

Romney Shop Around 0

Romney Shop Around

Youngstown, Ohio Population, 2010 66,982 11,536,504 Population, percent change, 2000 to 2010 -18.3% 1.6% Population, 2000 82,026 11,353,140 I’m going to be going to college next year, and it’s not very cheap Shop around...

Just In: House GOP Student Loan Interest Rate Reduction Proposal Passes House With Mandated Big Hit To Health Education & Disease Prevention 13

Just In: House GOP Student Loan Interest Rate Reduction Proposal Passes House With Mandated Big Hit To Health Education & Disease Prevention

The GOP student loan interest rate reduction proposal, HR 4628, just passed the House amidst jeers from the gallery. Just prior to the vote to pass the bill, they voted along party lines to...

GOP’s Four Freedoms 0

GOP’s Four Freedoms The first is freedom of speech and expression — everywhere in the world. The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way — everywhere in the world. The...


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