Who the Hell Is THAT Pallin’ With Palin?
Sarah Palin’s reminded us regularly about Barack Obama’s “friendship” with Bill Ayers and other unnamed, but presumably as questionable, anti-Americans. Yet, today Sarah Palin finds herself potentially on the other side of her own argument. Here she is “pallin’ around” with known felon Ted “My Wife Set Me Up” Stevens. Will she resent anyone mentioning her obvious “close relationship” with the grizzled Lion of the Senate? Will she say that the liberal mainstream media is blowing her simple business relationship with Ted beyond all reason. You betcha! And will she then stop beating the Ayers/Obama drum? We’ll see, but I wouldn’t betcha.
Between the two, I esteem Stevens much more than Palin. His dishonesty has some – uh, some integrity(?) in itself as small, tangible graft. She is just plain scary.