The Job Creators Myth – ______ Reasons It

How often do we hear this, “The job creators, the job creators, the job creators, and by the way, the effing job creators!”? Answer: every single effin day. Without stop. It’s infected most members of Congress, all the Tea Party congressloons, the President, most economists, and the so-called pundits. The “job creators” argument has fueled the heated debate about all matters fiscal in the U.S. Capitol, and in the country at large. And the facts be damned.
The “job creators” belief system is nothing but that, a belief system, utterly resistant to fact, particularly among Tea partiers who threaten to push our country into a de facto oligharcy. This myth needs to be examined, explained, and pressented in stark terms to the American people. It’s dangerous effects seem to have begun in earnest – coincidentally – from the first days of the Obama administration. It almost seems . . . planned, and, note, I’m not a beleiver in conscious conspiracies; this one is a “conspiracy” that arises from an ideology, as such it is the unconscious playing out of a group of principles that go back to Arthur Laffer and his supply side Laffer curve.
I’ve created a graph from Federal Reserve data to highlight what I’m thinking about the job creator myth. Have a look, and then I’ll list some important points about its implications for the mythology.