The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare With Glossarial Notes, a Sketch of His Life, and an Estimate of His Writings By William Shakespeare, Charles Henry Wheeler
The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare With Glossarial Notes, a Sketch of His Life, and an Estimate of His Writings By William Shakespeare, Charles Henry Wheeler: “1 4 м an a Couch the Duke of Yum and others standing by him Gaunt Will the king comet that I may breathe my last In wholesome counsel to his nnstaid youth York Vex not yourself nor strive not witb your breath For all in vain comes counsel to hit ear Gaunt Ob I bnt they say the tongues of dying Enforce attention lite deep harmony When words are scarce they are seldom spent In vain For they breatbe ii nth tbat breathe their words In pain He that no more may Bay is listen d more Then they whom youth and ease have taught to glose More are men’s cads mark d than their lives before Tbe setting sun and music at the close As the last taste of sweets is sweetest last Writ in remembrance more than things long past hear Though Klchard my life’s counsel would not Ну death’s sad tale may yet undeaf his ear York No it is stopp d with other flattering sounds As praises of his state then there are found Lascivious metres to whose venom sound Tbe open ear of youUi doth always listen Report of fashions in proud Italy”