Michael J. Matheron. May 21, 2018 Who says nothing can stem the terrifying tide of school massacres? No one now. After last Friday’s Santa Fe High School massacre, a one-man posse, Texas Lt. Governor...
Syria is like a military-grade ammunition depot already surrounded by high winds and raging fire, firebreak neutralized, and with few, if any, fire companies available. No forecast of rain. John McCain wants to fire “stand-off” rockets at it.
Michael Matthew Bloomer, January 6, 2012 This is the first of a ocassional feature, Wingnut Idea of the Day. GOP Congressloon Steve King of Iowa is well-known as a Tea Party favorite, and a man untethered to...
“My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub.” Grover Norquist, 20011 Despite his whoppingly wrong predictions...
(Soon-to-be-former) Congressloon Allen West of Florida’s gold coast 18th district conceded the November 6th election to now Democratic Congressman-to-be Patrick Murphy after receiving nearly 2,000 less votes than his Mr. Murphy. Lawyers for the soon-to-be-just-plain-loon Allen...
This is the first of a continuing series, the TWSA! Snapshot Series As its name implies, each series post will feature a chart, graph, image or picture researched and created here at TWSA! Posts will...
Ah, yes, so many of us miss those halcyon years when a truly moderate Republican President occupied the White House. Yes, times were extravagantly difficult, economically, internationally; as 19th century poet Robert Browning wrote...