Tagged: Uncategorized

Why Did Indiana State Representative Apologize For Comments About The Girl Scouts? 0

Why Did Indiana State Representative Apologize For Comments About The Girl Scouts?

http://www.journalgazette.net/article/20120223/LOCAL/120229767 Please follow and like us:

JP Morgan 0

JP Morgan

The problem with history is that the more we create, the more we have to forget. Why are JPM’s trading positions unavailable? “Jamie Dimon and JP Morgan Chase just proved what anyone not getting...

They Will Say Anything: Iowa GOP Governor Terry Branstad On Obama’s Support Of Same-Sex Marriage 0

They Will Say Anything: Iowa GOP Governor Terry Branstad On Obama’s Support Of Same-Sex Marriage

President Obama I have to tell you that part of my hesitation on this has also been I didn’t want to nationalize the issue. There’s a tendency when I weigh in to think suddenly...


March 13, 2002 Comments by then-President George W. Bush Georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary March 13, 2002 President Bush Holds Press Conference Please follow and like us:


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