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Inciting the Villagers 0

Inciting the Villagers

http://downwithtyranny.blogspot.com/2008/10/smear-smear-smear-its-all-theyve-got.html http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/10/06/AR2008100602935.html Please follow and like us:


“As an alternative, the government can “monetize its debt” by borrowing from the US Federal Reserve system, which is nominally under private control but is really just another part of the government. In this...

And the Prize for Worst Lecture Idea Ever Goes To 0

And the Prize for Worst Lecture Idea Ever Goes To

UMass Amherst Republican Club Lecture ******************************All I Am Saying is Give War a Chance Wednesday, December 12, 2007 • 7:30 pmStudent Union BallroomStudent UnionUMass Amherst CampusHandicap access availableDirections & ParkingFree AdmissionEvent web siteContact: Brad...

Wrong Schmong! 0

Wrong Schmong!

Glenn Greenwald on the NIE regarding Iran’s nuclear program: “Somehow, it was decided in our political establishment that being completely wrong about the worst strategic disaster in our country’s history — the invasion of...

Truth Dead After Rove Attack 0

Truth Dead After Rove Attack

On November 21st former Bush “brain,” Karl Rove, in full view of millions of Charlie Rose viewers, summarily dispatched Truth with a blitzkrieg of grisly chops, kicks, and swats. Truth, badly dissipated after many...

Marquee HTML 0

Marquee HTML

I’m learning a wee bit of HTML . . . be afraid . . . be very afraid. There is NO brightside. ***** There is no Read More for this post ****** I’m learning...


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