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Senator Mitch McConnell describes the Continuing Resolution:  No, no, really, it’s this big!!!!  http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d111:HR03082:@@@S Inouye http://appropriations.senate.gov/news.cfm?method=news.view&id=2d895947-938c-489c-9e27-a9fce660cd37 http://www.taxpayer.net/resources.php?category=&type=Project&proj_id=4053&action=Headlines%20By%20TCS Please follow and like us:

Narrative? Bullsh^t 0

Narrative? Bullsh^t

They say, “We’ve got to change the ‘narrative.’” Narrative? There’s nothing so lofty as a narrative; it’s bullshii, not narrative. (Eg., “Senate-We can’t act on anything because of the results ov Nov. midterms.”) ———Senate...

Dwight’s Warning 0

Dwight’s Warning

“Regarded in his day as inarticulate and detached, Eisenhower in these papers is fully engaged, grappling with the language of the text and the radical questions that it raised. . . in the end,...

Truth Not An Issue 0

Truth Not An Issue

Political adman’s comment – the media outlet using the ad is responsible for determining its truth. Ad creators are not. Please follow and like us:

The Persons With Billions Anti-Discrimination Act 0

The Persons With Billions Anti-Discrimination Act

must realize the limitations of persons with billions what are the manifestations of their limtitations? what restrictions and requirements must be imposed upon others to address and remediate the limitations of persons with billions?...

Help-A-Billionaire-OutSTOCK 0


Dodge ball “If you can dodge a tax you can dodge a ball”Help-A-Billionaire-OutSTOCK! Cayman Islands site (no extradition law)Richie Rich (80 yrs. old)Michael MilkenUncle Scrooge McDuck “All we are saying is give us a...

The GOP: Paradoxical or . . .? 0

The GOP: Paradoxical or . . .?

The idea that the GOP does not abjure deficits at all, they actually encourage them. (see my post on GOP Courting A Depression) Krugman’s observation does not go far enough: It’s a point barely...

Unemployment Insurance 0

Unemployment Insurance

The Emergency Unemployment Compensation Expansion Act As measured by the Current Population Survey, a person is counted as unemployed if they do not have a job, have actively looked for work in the last 4...

“As far as if you want civility in Canberra, buy a parrot.” 0

“As far as if you want civility in Canberra, buy a parrot.”

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