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WIsconsin Anti-Union Politicians To Democrats: “Heads, We Win, Tails, You Lose.
http://mytinyspot.blogspot.com/2011/03/wisconsin-governor-walker-diagnosed.html Wisconsin Governor Walker Diagnosed With “Outsider Induced Allergy Syndrome” (OIAS). http://uppitywis.org/node/35763/view?destination=node Why Collective B is a fiscal iissue. Republicans introduced an amended version of the budget repair bill in conference committee Wednesday afternoon...
Dollar??? Quo Vadis?
http://www.cnbc.com//id/41950900 http://www.anoox.com/news/show_selected_article.php?article=41946 http://RealNewsPost.com?n=think.34892 So then you need to ask yourself WHY is Euro a MIGHTY 40% MORE VALUABLE than US Dollar? Answers are: 1- They have universal nationalized (socialized) health care2- They have MUCH...
Taxes – “that’s where the money is . . .
http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/numbers/displayatab.cfm?Docid=2417 http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2010/apr/15/fp3-income-tax-tipping-point/?opinionfreepress By Robert Reich How Democrats Can Become Relevant Again (And Rescue the Nation While They’re At It)The richest 1 percent’s share of national has doubled — from around 9 percent in 1977...