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        Historical Earthquakes (with MMI) Date (UTC) Dist (km) Mag Max MMI (#) Shaking Deaths 1980-09-23 384 5.3 V (13m) 1 1983-05-26 394 7.7 VII (174k) 104 2003-10-31 65 7 V...


Ask the really meaningful question: Why are non-public sector workers paid so little that, by comparison, moderately compensated public sector workers appear to be overpaid or “over-benefitted” or both? It’s a way to pit...

WIsconsin Anti-Union Politicians To Democrats: “Heads, We Win, Tails, You Lose. 0

WIsconsin Anti-Union Politicians To Democrats: “Heads, We Win, Tails, You Lose.

http://mytinyspot.blogspot.com/2011/03/wisconsin-governor-walker-diagnosed.html Wisconsin Governor Walker Diagnosed With “Outsider Induced Allergy Syndrome” (OIAS). http://uppitywis.org/node/35763/view?destination=node Why Collective B is a fiscal iissue. Republicans introduced an amended version of the budget repair bill in conference committee Wednesday afternoon...

congressional pensions v. WI teachers pensions 0

congressional pensions v. WI teachers pensions

congressional salaries – 174,000 – and Chaffetz still claims he must sleep in his office. congressional pensions v. WI teachers pensions etc. Please follow and like us:

Dollar??? Quo Vadis? 0

Dollar??? Quo Vadis?

http://www.cnbc.com//id/41950900 http://www.anoox.com/news/show_selected_article.php?article=41946 http://RealNewsPost.com?n=think.34892 So then you need to ask yourself WHY is Euro a MIGHTY 40% MORE VALUABLE than US Dollar? Answers are: 1- They have universal nationalized (socialized) health care2- They have MUCH...

Taxes – “that’s where the money is . . . 0

Taxes – “that’s where the money is . . .

http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/numbers/displayatab.cfm?Docid=2417 http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2010/apr/15/fp3-income-tax-tipping-point/?opinionfreepress By Robert Reich How Democrats Can Become Relevant Again (And Rescue the Nation While They’re At It)The richest 1 percent’s share of national has doubled — from around 9 percent in 1977...

The Odd Couple Blocks Signal Honor For Last WWI Vet Frank Buckles. 0

The Odd Couple Blocks Signal Honor For Last WWI Vet Frank Buckles.

“Today, we pause to pay proper respect to the heroes who have donned the uniform of our country and — along with their families — sacrficied so much so that we may enjoy the...

Gov. Walker – Cavalier about National Guard 0

Gov. Walker – Cavalier about National Guard

Koch: We’ll back you any way we can. What we were thinking about the crowd was, uh, was planting some troublemakers. Walker: You know, well, the only problem with that —because we thought about...


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