Tagged: Uncategorized

Why the GOP thinks it doesn’t have to fund tax cuts 0

Why the GOP thinks it doesn’t have to fund tax cuts

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“I grew up reading Ayn Rand and it taught me quite a bit about who I am and what my value systems are, and what my beliefs are. It’s inspired me so much that...


Previously I’d believed the expression “Lies, damned lies, and Gingrich” was the northern star of the paraphrases of the original “lies, damned lies, and statistics.” Move over, Newt. Meet the Romney campaign. Of course,...

Romney Campaign Adds Staff To Do Opposition Research On Its Own Candidate 0

Romney Campaign Adds Staff To Do Opposition Research On Its Own Candidate

TEXTtarget=’_blank’For a clearer and larger image click HERE (not on the image itself). It will open in a new window/tab.Once there, just click it again for an even larger version.—————-&&&&&—————- Check out our homepage...

Monday, 08-20-2012 – New Mars Rover Photos Reveal Melon-Headed Martian Unmistakeably Miffed 0

Monday, 08-20-2012 – New Mars Rover Photos Reveal Melon-Headed Martian Unmistakeably Miffed

We previously reported about the Mars rover photos of a curious Martian entity with a melon head, tiny body, and innate propensity to lie on every occasion possible, even when lying contradicted previous its...

Thing Wrong With Romney’s Ad 0

Thing Wrong With Romney’s Ad

Don’t put your own candidate on the defensive Don’t reject your own party’s policies, ie state flexibility in carrying out policies Don’t rouse Clinton Don’t base ad on easily refuted lies Don’t put specific...

GOP Big Lie: Deficit Reduction 0

GOP Big Lie: Deficit Reduction

Delusional???? Republicans have persisted in their 30-year delusion that tax cuts for the rich stimulate the economy and the job market. It is simply not true. Research by Piketty and Saez and Stantcheva confirms...

TWSA!’s Fat Cat Index: Corporate Petty Cash And What It Could Do 0

TWSA!’s Fat Cat Index: Corporate Petty Cash And What It Could Do

Once I built a railroad, I made it run, made it race against time. Once I built a railroad; now it’s done. Brother, can you spare a dime? Once I built a tower, up...


Following the Colorado movie theatre shootings, Yime magazine ran a cover story, How Guns Won TEXTtarget=’_blank’For a clearer and larger image click HERE (not on the image itself). It will open in a new...

Call Special Session a la Turnip Day 0

Call Special Session a la Turnip Day

House: Sat., Aug 4 – Mon., Sept 10 — 25 days Senate: Same as above) TEXTtarget=’_blank’For a clearer and larger image click HERE (not on the image itself). It will open in a new...


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