Tagged: Uncategorized

Analogy – Flippers and Bankers’s Dilemma 0

Analogy – Flippers and Bankers’s Dilemma

House flippers buy a house low, put money into it, and they sell it for a low price, a non-comparable present price for the neighborhood. This sale brings the neighborhood comps down . ....

The Job Creators Myth – ______ Reasons It 0

The Job Creators Myth – ______ Reasons It

 How often do we hear this, “The job creators, the job creators, the job creators, and by the way, the effing job creators!”?  Answer: every single effin day.  Without stop.  It’s infected most members...


pushing on a string   stock market inflation may be on the way – nowhere else to put $$     To view the complete and formatted article, click “READ MORE” now. . ....

Stockholm Syndrome 0

Stockholm Syndrome

To view the complete and formatted article, click “READ MORE” now. . .     I guess that you must have been vaccinated against the Obama-Stockholm syndrome wherein the hostage express empathy and have...


Have not yet incorporated a discount for the affect of the GOP/Tea party fiscal strangulation deficit deal. Neither have they configured for the losses of federal jobs, nor have they considered fully the job...

The American Economy Is Invited To Eric Cantor’s Debt Deal Swim Party!! 0

The American Economy Is Invited To Eric Cantor’s Debt Deal Swim Party!!

Mr. Tea Party himself is throwing a summertime party.  Now that the debt deal is in, Mr. Cantor is going all out to “party like there’s no tomorrow.”  And there probably isn’t!!!  So, what...


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