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Today, we at They Will Say ANYTHING! publish the second in our exclusive series of U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts’ daily diary entries. It is here where he recorded his deeply personal...
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Yesterday, Mitt Romney visited his campaign television network, FOXROM, and the topic eventually moved, of course, to those darned tax returns. Here’s what he had to say about the unending controversy over his refusal...
Yesterday, about his failed prediction that the Affordable Care Act would be overturned, Bill O’Reilly came through on his March 26 promise to “apologize for being an idiot” if the Supreme Court upheld the...
“Après moi le brocoli.” Today, at 10:22 am, immediately following the Supreme Court’s 5 – 4 decision upholding the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate, President Obama sent a new proposal to Democratic party House...
“The Truth Can Maim You, A Half-Truth Can Kill You” – Editor, TWSA! To paraphrase Joel Best, an author who dissects the political misuse of data, “Not all data starts out bad, but any data...
Special Report. Reporting from Trump International Las Vegas, 10:45 a.m. (EDST). For immediate release. After completing my exclusive report on the outrageous jury behavior at the John Edwards trial, I received a call from...
The inimitable politician John Edwards was acquitted yesterday on one charge of violating campaign finance laws. Federal District Court Judge Catherine Eagles declared a mistrial on the remaining five charges. There’s more to the...
For the second time since February 2009, I’m republishing “Is The GOP Actively Courting a Depression?” Why? Recently, renewed speculation that this may indeed be the case reminded me that I’ve believed this was...