Tagged: politics

Forward HQ, Class Warfare 2011: The Peasants Are Restless On Wall Street. Release The Hounds. 0

Forward HQ, Class Warfare 2011: The Peasants Are Restless On Wall Street. Release The Hounds.

Beware The Anger Of A Patient Man.    What the Occupy Wall Street contingent protests is primarily that downward path of the 90% Americans who have lost ground financially for more than three decades.  Particularly, however, since the 2008...

GOP Congressional Leadership Letter To Ben Bernanke, As Subtle As A Baby Ruth In A Federal Reserve Crystal Punch Bowl. 0

GOP Congressional Leadership Letter To Ben Bernanke, As Subtle As A Baby Ruth In A Federal Reserve Crystal Punch Bowl.

Why did the GOP congressional leadership send a snail-mail missive to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke?  Haven’t they gotten the news about “e-mail”?  Do they need pen pals that badly?  Do they need a...

Obama 2.0 — Calls Out The GOP & Knocks Boehner For A Loop, But Does A Challenger Lurk Within His Own Camp? 0

Obama 2.0 — Calls Out The GOP & Knocks Boehner For A Loop, But Does A Challenger Lurk Within His Own Camp?

Obama 2.0 — Calls Out The GOP & Knocks Boehner For A Loop, But Does A Challenger Lurk Within His Own Camp?

Michele Bachmann – From Offshore Oil Rigs To Commuters Riding The Rails To Urban Tenements To Glorious Fiscal Stimulation. 1

Michele Bachmann – From Offshore Oil Rigs To Commuters Riding The Rails To Urban Tenements To Glorious Fiscal Stimulation.

Michele Bachmann, a crowd favorite among the unhinged, is known for her fervently held principles.  Also known for her sophisticated and complicated understanding of cause and effect, her tight grip on logic is renowned.  Inside the “read...

GOP Presidential Woefuls #1 — Bachmann Mental Underdrive. 0

GOP Presidential Woefuls #1 — Bachmann Mental Underdrive.

Bachmann’s Mental Underdrive.   Michele Bachmann, the Tea Partiers’ Tea Partier was initially criticized by the TP grassroots for attempting to co-opt the movement, which, of course, she was.  She’s now among the TP leadership, if not yet “the” leader. Although...

The Upcoming Budget & Deficit Battle – Go Ahead, Kick That Can Down The Road. Here’s Some Reasons Why. 0

The Upcoming Budget & Deficit Battle – Go Ahead, Kick That Can Down The Road. Here’s Some Reasons Why.

Go ahead, kick it again, you know you wanna.      Congress will be back from summer camp in a couple of weeks for more warfare over budgets and deficits.  All parties are thinking big,...

Here’s The REAL “Texas Miracle” 0

Here’s The REAL “Texas Miracle”

The top of my head done blew off. So what?       What Texas Miracle . . .?  Jobs miracle . . .?  Well yes, if you consider that Texas sports among the lower median...

Bachmann & The Iowa Straw Poll – The Next Newsweek Cover They Do Not Want You To See. 1

Bachmann & The Iowa Straw Poll – The Next Newsweek Cover They Do Not Want You To See.

The infamous August 15th Newsweek cover with its, to put it mildly, unflattering picture of Michelle Bachmann, sent her supporters into an ornery overdrive.  Not unlike her failure to look at the camera during her reply to...

The Curse Of The Iowa Straw Poll – Which Hopeful Will Fall Into A Deep Corn Hole. 0

The Curse Of The Iowa Straw Poll – Which Hopeful Will Fall Into A Deep Corn Hole.

There’s still time to attend. Just (1) quickly, establish Iowa residency, and (2) go to where you see the X. For more info (Dems can attend!)      The Iowa Straw Poll, the Ames Straw Poll,...

On Wisconsin: Three Reasons To Reject Republican Framing Of The Senate Recall Results. 0

On Wisconsin: Three Reasons To Reject Republican Framing Of The Senate Recall Results.

We’re only down by 1 Senator! Two of six intransigent Wisconsin GOP state senators were recalled successfully, creating a 17 Republican to 16 Democrat Senate.  Note that I didn’t write, “Only two of six intransigent...


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