The Iowa caucus looms. Today, never caught napping, FOX announced a new sitcom, Dating Iowa! that will air on alternate Tuesdays during the GOP primary season. The network calls it a “madcap adventure as seven...
Newt Gingrich is notorious for his “futurist” idea that the best way to destroy public school physical plant and janitorial service unions is to employ their children instead for well below minimum wage. Gingrich...
The Ghost of Christmas Future – It’s the year 2022. December 23rd. Your holiday shopping deadline is as near as it can get, and you still haven’t purchased a work-related gift for that Junior Assistant School...
I know, I know. Pepper spray as a holiday gift is just plain shameful. But, heck, I found out last month after the Walmart dust up that p.s. is legal! So, how’s it any...
At Tuesday night’s GOP debate, CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo – obliquely – asked Herman Cain about his character given the sexual harassment claims against him. “I value my character and my integrity more than anything...
At the GOP debate on Tuesday night, CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo asked Herman Cain about the well-known sexual harassment claims swirling around his campaign and character like a river around a boulder. Like that boulder,...
On Tuesday this week, Herman Cain held a press conference featuring Herman Cain. Herman Cain scheduled the event to explain Herman Cain’s take on the allegations continually surfacing about Herman Cain’s past sexual harassment of...
Given the ham-fisted and insensitive way Mr. Cain is (mis)handling his response to the allegations of sexual harassment, especially at yesterday’s press conference, this may be how it all concludes . . . ========================================= Herman Cain had...
Mrs. Betty Bowers, a deservedly rising star at YouTube, is an educator. A gifted one. She takes on political issues of the day and makes them understandable. She’s particularly interested in religious controversies, and in...