Tagged: Senator Ted Stevens

AG Holder Indicts . . . the Justice Department! 0

AG Holder Indicts . . . the Justice Department!

Statement of Attorney General Eric HolderRegarding United States V. Theodore F. Stevens In connection with the post-trial litigation in United States v. Theodore F. Stevens, the Department of Justice has conducted a review of...

Who the Hell Is THAT Pallin’ With Palin? 1

Who the Hell Is THAT Pallin’ With Palin?

Sarah Palin’s reminded us regularly about Barack Obama’s “friendship” with Bill Ayers and other unnamed, but presumably as questionable, anti-Americans. Yet, today Sarah Palin finds herself potentially on the other side of her own...

The Casual Corruption of Ted Stevens 0

The Casual Corruption of Ted Stevens

Today, a federal jury in Washington D.C. found Alaska Republican Sen. Ted Stevens, 84, guilty of accepting and concealing from Senate financial-disclosure requirements hundreds of thousands of dollars in free home renovations and other...


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