This morning on MSNBC’s Daily Rundown, Iowa’s GOP Governor Terry Branstad called up all the verbal gymnastics he could muster to avoid answering Chuck Todd’s initial question about Branstad’s stance on same-sex marriage issues...
On ABC’s This Week Rick Santorum declared, “I’d love to be able to get one on one with Governor Romney . . .” [Read article here] This sent shock waves across the GOP base...
Today, a federal circuit court panel overturned California’s Proposition 8, which had denied marriage to same-sex couples. . . Here are primary documents . . . Click “Read More” for today’s appellate court ruling, Perry, et al v....
Mrs. Betty Bowers, a deservedly rising star at YouTube, is an educator. A gifted one. She takes on political issues of the day and makes them understandable. She’s particularly interested in religious controversies, and in...