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There’s nothing like a good old-fashioned foreign trip to shine a better light on a presidential candidate, especially if he is dogged by questions about his tax returns, his business tactics, and his general...
Yesterday, Mitt Romney visited his campaign television network, FOXROM, and the topic eventually moved, of course, to those darned tax returns. Here’s what he had to say about the unending controversy over his refusal...
Friday, July 13, 2012. This evening, at the eleventh hour, the Mitt Romney campaign announced that their candidate will skip tonight’s high net worth Romney fundraiser at Dick Cheney’s Wyoming home in Jackson. Romney...
“Après moi le brocoli.” Today, at 10:22 am, immediately following the Supreme Court’s 5 – 4 decision upholding the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate, President Obama sent a new proposal to Democratic party House...
“The Truth Can Maim You, A Half-Truth Can Kill You” – Editor, TWSA! To paraphrase Joel Best, an author who dissects the political misuse of data, “Not all data starts out bad, but any data...
May 29, 2012. Reporting from Las Vegas, Nevada. Bad news for those who applaud entertainer Donald Trump’s obsession with the reliability of President Obama’s birth certificate. He’s dropping the issue. Completely. He’s moving on,...
A Call For Compassion George Will, the right wing demi-intellectual masquerading as an 18th century conservative, thinks Donald’s an “ignoramus.” Another more forthright wingnut, Charles Krauthammer observed that Trump “spouts provocative nonsense, operative...
The new AP/Equilar CEO salary report is out! So, how many poverty stricken families living at the official US Health & Human Services poverty guideline income level can the average CEO salary of 9.6...
For the second time since February 2009, I’m republishing “Is The GOP Actively Courting a Depression?” Why? Recently, renewed speculation that this may indeed be the case reminded me that I’ve believed this was...