If tonight’s debate resolved anything, in a few phrases, and in one sentence, here’s my impression: The greatest threat to the world is not a nuclear Iran; it’s not American-Israeli relations; it’s not an...
He;lps explain the GOP philosophy on tax breaks for the wealthy and Ryan’s “base broadening” remarks, i.e. we don’t use or need these entitlements, you do, so you pay for them! —————-&&&&&—————-Check out our...
Yesterday, Mitt Romney visited his campaign television network, FOXROM, and the topic eventually moved, of course, to those darned tax returns. Here’s what he had to say about the unending controversy over his refusal...
With great luck for us, one of my buddies was snooping around the Herman Cain campaign HQ this afternoon. There, after being summarily barred from entry, he sidled to the nearby alley. He immediately noticed a trash...
David Vitter is focused on putting Louisiana first as an independent and outspoken reformer, and on advancing mainstream conservative principles, and on top on sexual matters. [Second paragraph is basically just a list of your...