Tagged: news

“Invertebrate Zoology” Adds New Subspecies – the Republican Party

Bowing to an Obama administration edict that embargoed the scientific discovery described in this article until after Donald Trump’s inauguration, Wikipedia today added the Republican Party to its list of invertebrate subdivisions in its “Invertebrate Zoology” article.

Freddie Gray’s Neckbreaking Ride: Slideshow Of Interior Details Similar To Baltimore Detainee Transport Vans. Actual Pictures Thus Far Withheld From Media

Television reporters assert that Baltimore police authorities have refused to provide pictures of the interior of their detainee transport vans, infamously known as “paddy wagons.” I took the challenge to find some interior shots more close-in than previously published. Google and Bing came back empty when I asked for “Baltimore prisoner transport van interior,” and other more general search terms. I did find pictures of Baltimore transport . . .

Baltimore Police ‘Press Conference’ Takes No Questions. Deputy Commissioner’s Summary Ignores The Most Important Issue: Why Was Mr. Gray NOT Delivered First To A Hospital?

Michael JF Matheron, April 30, 2015. Just a few minutes ago the Baltimore police held a so-called news conference regarding Freddie Gray’s April 12th arrest but stated at the outset they would take no press questions. Baltimore Deputy Commissioner...

Flag Day For They Will Say ANYTHING! 0

Flag Day For They Will Say ANYTHING!

Introducing our own flag . . . we will soon be seeking U.N. recognition, and we aspire to the Security Council . . .Stay tuned for our land grab. (For sharper focus click on...

Flag Day 2012 – 1861, And The War Came 0

Flag Day 2012 – 1861, And The War Came

It’s Flag Day 2012. Do you recognize this flag? Read on. “Both parties deprecated war; but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive; and the other would accept war...

Virginia Beach Crash Flight Line Potentially Endangered A Middle School, Beach Hotels, And Gathering Places 2

Virginia Beach Crash Flight Line Potentially Endangered A Middle School, Beach Hotels, And Gathering Places

The reports thus far from Virginia Beach following the crash of a U.S. Navy F/A 18D aircraft into the Mayfair Mews Apartment complex for elderly individuals indicate no loss of life. Minor injuries are...

Dick Cheney Has A Heart 0

Dick Cheney Has A Heart

Dick Cheney Heart Transplant: Former Vice President Recovering After Undergoing Surgery ’bout time. Please follow and like us:


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