Tagged: justice

Supreme Court Upholds Individual Mandate! Obama Moves Quickly To Introduce Legislation Requiring Americans To Purchase, Prepare, and Consume Broccoli 0

Supreme Court Upholds Individual Mandate! Obama Moves Quickly To Introduce Legislation Requiring Americans To Purchase, Prepare, and Consume Broccoli

“Après moi le brocoli.” Today, at 10:22 am, immediately following the Supreme Court’s 5 – 4 decision upholding the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate, President Obama sent a new proposal to Democratic party House...

AG Holder Indicts . . . the Justice Department! 0

AG Holder Indicts . . . the Justice Department!

Statement of Attorney General Eric HolderRegarding United States V. Theodore F. Stevens In connection with the post-trial litigation in United States v. Theodore F. Stevens, the Department of Justice has conducted a review of...


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