Tagged: Democrats

Exclusive Coverage: Mitt Romney To Challenge Obama In DEMOCRATIC Primaries As Well. 0

Exclusive Coverage: Mitt Romney To Challenge Obama In DEMOCRATIC Primaries As Well.

Mitt Romney, presently running well in the GOP primaries, announced today that he will also seek the Democratic nomination for President.  He told this reporter, who had been suspiciously hanging out at his Massachusetts HQ,...

On Wisconsin: Three Reasons To Reject Republican Framing Of The Senate Recall Results. 0

On Wisconsin: Three Reasons To Reject Republican Framing Of The Senate Recall Results.

We’re only down by 1 Senator! Two of six intransigent Wisconsin GOP state senators were recalled successfully, creating a 17 Republican to 16 Democrat Senate.  Note that I didn’t write, “Only two of six intransigent...

Deficit and Debt Limit Talks — Republican Tax Cut Mantra 0

Deficit and Debt Limit Talks — Republican Tax Cut Mantra

In the ongoing deficit talks, the White House has opened the door to the GOP to discuss the Democrats’ sacred programs, Social Security and Medicare.  Or is it a ploy?  We really don’t know.  What...


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