“But really, Joe Biden really drags down that ticket.”– Sarah Palin, on FOX’s On the Record, August 13, 2012On Tuesday, Sarah Palin, political savant and John McCain’s recurrent nightmare, strutted her Ph.D.-level knowledge of...
Franklin D. Roosevelt took office in March 1933. Bank panics had occurred since 1929, and by 1933 than 9,000 banks had closed, with $2.5 billion in lost deposits. Millions of Americans lost their money....
The report yesterday from East Hampton about the discovery of a $400 ATM receipt would normally be reported only on the earth’s slowest news day ever. But when one considers the balance remaining was $99, 664, 731.94, well, that...
[Posted via Google’s Sidewiki] “Frommer’s recommends the restaurant’s chicken fried goat with beans and an RC Cola.” Oddly, while searching for articles about Egypt’s erupting revolution, I discovered Moscow’s RIA Novosti columnist, Joe Barden,...