Tagged: 2012 presidential campaign

Palin Emails Released! 0

Palin Emails Released!

The emails wait patiently staring outthe windows. This seems sort of an asinine exercise, but Alaska has released Sarah Palin’s 24,000+ emails from during the time she was governor.  I still don’t get it,...

Gingrich’s Wife Callista Apparently Caused Campaign Staff Stampede. 0

Gingrich’s Wife Callista Apparently Caused Campaign Staff Stampede.

Ouch!  Fred Barnes at The Weekly Standard reports today, “The problem was the wife. Aides to Newt Gingrich have resigned from his presidential campaign in protest of what they felt was a takeover by...

Bedtime For Gingo – Gingrich Loses Mojo And More As Entire Campaign Staff Quits 0

Bedtime For Gingo – Gingrich Loses Mojo And More As Entire Campaign Staff Quits

Lazy Is As Lazy Does.  Today, the “giant sucking sound” you may have heard came from Newt Gingrich’s presidential campaign staff resigning, and booking it outta town at supersonic speed.  The basic explanation among...


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