Tags: big hat no cattlebos primigeniusbuller pencattleCongress Government ShutdownCongressional gridlockcontinuing resolution 2013cow pendebt limitgovernment shutdownGovernment Shutdown Ted CruzgridlockJohn BoehnerMichael Matthew Bloomer authorMichael Matthew Bloomer political artshutdownSpeaker of the HouseTea Party Ted CruzTed CruzTed Cruz Affordable Care ActTed Cruz hatedTed Cruz House of RepresentativesTed Cruz influenceTed Cruz Obamacare
Michael Matheron
From Presidents Ronald Reagan through George W. Bush, I was a senior legislative research and policy staff of the nonpartisan Library of Congress Congressional Research Service (CRS). I'm partisan here, an "aggressive progressive." I'm a contributor to The Fold and Nation of Change. Welcome to They Will Say ANYTHING! Come back often! . . . . . Michael Matheron, contact me at mjmmoose@gmail.com
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by Michael Matheron · Published January 27, 2012 · Last modified May 27, 2013