“She Was Competitive Shopping.” — More Wal-Mart Midnight Madness – This Time Pepper Spray

“She was competitive shopping.”
Los Angeles Police Lt. Abel Parga
commenting on Porter Ranch, California
Thanksgiving day pepper spray incident at Wal-Mart
Call me naive, but I didn’t know pepper spray was available for personal use. It’s misuse by law enforcement, of late in NYC, Seattle, and UC Davis, is well-known, and the injuries to victims sometimes serious. So how do regular folks get these devices?
Well, among the 5o states, there are very few restrictions on personal ownership of pepper spray. Only a half dozen states restrict ownership or sales, and none forbid it. Massachusetts prohibits Internet purchases; Michigan, Wisconsin and California restrict the quantity and concentration of pepper spray that may be sold or shipped in or to the state. D.C. requires those who possess pepper spray to register with local LEA. Federally, the Department of Transportation considers pepper spray a hazardous material, which means it may not be shipped internationally, and is subject to shipping guidelines through the USPS.
The latest pepper spray outrage arrives via a Wal-Mart shopper, neither a security guard nor law enforcement. According to the LA Times: “In Porter Ranch, a woman pepper sprayed customers at a Wal-Mart in what authorities say was a deliberate attempt to get more “door buster” merchandise.”
If You Still Have Some Christmas Gifts To Buy . . .
Well, since you can, then you must. I checked it out for you too. There werw 100,000+ results when I searched “pepper spray,” using Google’s “Shopping” option. Among my results I found these interesting items and accessories. Add them to your Christmas list! Also, they make excellent gifts for people who you are absolutely certain do not hate your guts. Below, you’ll find a handy review of many pepper spray ortions, and we here at They Will Say ANYTHING! (i.e. me and my nextdoor neighboor) have provided our own (mine) review, using as a rating Lt. John Pike’s pic taken as he peppered UC Davis protesters who were causing a rucus by quietly sitting on the ground.