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“Sarah Palin In Pants” – Taking Down Alaska’s Tea Partier Joe Miller.

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What we found lurking in Miller’s closets was — pardon the plain language here,
but the honest words are the right words —
the detritus of a conman and a liar.
Craig Medred, Alaska Dispatch, Nov. 4, 2010

Craig Medred of the Alaska Dispatch  – remember, the news organization Joe Miller called a “blog”? – wrote a dead-on analysis of Tea Party Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, Joe Miller

Miller, now hoping that the write-in vote tabulation beginning next Wednesday will miraculously vault him into the lead, and not incumbent “moderate” Republican Lisa Murkowski. In addition, more than 30, 000 absentee ballots will be counted as of next Tuesday, and, during the primary, they ran in Miller’s favor. This race is still a close one. Potential conflict between Miller and Murkowski is virtually guaranteed.  Recall the 2008 electoral and legal battle for Minnesota’s U.S. Senate seat  between Al Franken (D) and Norm Coleman (R). 

Craig Medred

Medved vs. Miller.  Mr. Medred, with 35 years of reporting under his belt, cuts through the bloviating and truthiness of the Miller campaign and calls the candidate out, but doesn’t take cheap shots at devoted Miller supporters.

There are among Miller supporters a lot of good and decent people, people who love their country, people who yearn for American greatness, people who work hard to make the U.S.A. a better place and ask for nothing in return, people put off by the country’s slow but steady march toward socialism because they believe, by God, that work is a part of life.

Although I can’t pick anything I like about Miller’s positions on the issues, I surely don’t begrudge Craig Medred his opinion.

And I, unfortunately, like a lot of what [Miller] said. He was right about much.

The country has overspent. The country does need to deal with its financial problems. Government does have its fingers in too many pies. Business is in some cases choking on unnecessary regulation. And Alaska’s future does rest in development of the state’s resources, though which resources and how to develop them are things Alaskans have been fighting about since statehood.

In the final analysis, though, Medred – despite his support of some of Miller’s positions – sees through Miller’s smoke screen.

As to whether Joe Miller actually believes any of these things, I don’t have a clue. All I know that Joe Miller believes is that he wants to be senator. He might even believe he deserves to be senator or is “destined” to be senator. Certainly he’s showing no signs of giving up in that quest now even though 65 percent of the state has made it clear they want anyone but Joe Miller.

For Craig Medred’s article – a remarkable mix of anger and sentimentality – head for Alaska . . . the Alsaka Dispatch.

Joe Miller’s Senate Office.

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Michael Matheron

From Presidents Ronald Reagan through George W. Bush, I was a senior legislative research and policy staff of the nonpartisan Library of Congress Congressional Research Service (CRS). I'm partisan here, an "aggressive progressive." I'm a contributor to The Fold and Nation of Change. Welcome to They Will Say ANYTHING! Come back often! . . . . . Michael Matheron, contact me at mjmmoose@gmail.com

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