Santorum Campaign Issues Clarification – “This Is NOT What We Meant By ‘Aspirin Between The Knees'”!!

February 17, 2012, 12:15 p.m. (EST): Just in from Santorum campaign headquarters:
“CLARIFICATION: From the Santorum campaign, Dies Iovis xvii Februarius MMII (Julian calendar) (Friday, February 17, 2012 (pagan world calendar).
Former Senator Rick Santorum’s Spokebishop hereby releases this clarification:
Following Mr. Foster Freiss’s pronouncement regarding Former Senator Rick Santorum’s assertion of the birth control/contraceptive method the senator permits, various groups and individuals have misinterpreted his meaning. The following image has been wrongly circulated among the people. The campaign denounces this image. Former Senator Santorum emphatically declares as follows,
“Hoc est non quod intelligitur cum locutus sic, ‘De gals posuit inter genua.’ Imaginem infra est condemnatur. Vere credere quod fidelis amonst te intelligitur bene quod vere intelligitur. ”
(For those whose native language is not Latin:
“This is not what we meant when we spoke thusly, ‘The gals put it between their knees.’ The image below is hereby condemned. We truly believe that the faithful amonst you understood quite well what we really meant.”)
The Santorum campaign spokesbishop indicated that more guidelines and appropriate images of the correct use of aspirin as birth control would be forthcoming within the week ahead.”