Romney’s New Unforced Error: Richard Grenell – Twitter Trickster

The Romney campaign often makes unforced errors, but hiring the despicable Richard Grenell, the Bush administration’s spokesman on matters of national security and director of communications and public diplomacy at the United Nations. Romney enlisted him and he joined the campaign last Thursday. Quickly, Mr. Grenell’s hobby, posting rancorous tweets aimed at many: the news media, Newt Gingrich, Callista Gingrich, President Obama, Michele Obama, Hilary Clinton, etc. You name it. Many of his tweets were of the “war on women” variety as well. Read here about his record.)
So, Romney hires Grenell, despite his being remembered by U.N. associates as a Bush spokesman with a personality just short of psychopathic (see previous link), a man who misled, lied, and browbeat reporters. Why would Romney hire such a man, especially since he’s purportedly in etch a sketch mode and “refining” his far right opinions and perhaps even putting a muzzle on wingnut spokespersons. And now, Grenell is outed as a serial tweeter. No Romney statement on this yet, none likely. Why?
It’s my guess that the Romney geniuses were all about courting GLBT community voters. Mr. Grenell is openly gay, and Romney is weak among those voters. In fact, almost immediately after Grenell’s hiring the anti-GLBT American Family Association denounced it. The way they think, what better to gain a few supporters than to hire Mr. Grenell. So, Romney will try to duck this. He cannot be seen firing a gay spokesperson within a few days of his hiring. Romney would believe he cannot even criticize him. The campaign will ride this one out, and hope no one makes the connection.
My opinion is that Romney doesn’t really understand that people who are GLBT do not jump to the defense of any GLBT, particularly when the character of that person is as infuriating as Grenell’s. Also, the GLBT community is not monolithic, it has people of all political opinions, liberal, middle, conservative, socialist, wingnut, and uninterested or uninvolved. If Romney understood this he’d call out Mr. Grenell for his odious tweets, especially for trying to hide them from view.
Here’s some of Grenell’s tweets:
Forced to watch #msnbc on gym tv. The Rachel Maddow commercials can’t possibly attract any viewers, aside from Bieber fans #DeadRinger
2 days agorachel maddow needs to take a breath and put on a necklace
a year agoHillary is starting to look like Madeline Albright
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