Rick Santorum Has Big Plans For Us.

Rick Santorum’s popularity has lately been intermittently rising. He lately won a primary here and a caucus there, but finished second to Romney in this weekend’s CPAC straw poll, and third in the Maine caucus, a basically rigged straw poll, and a flawed caucus. Rigged, flawed, or not, he is now seen as a true contender by many a CPACker. He certainly appears confident. His self-assurance is almost palpable. Perhaps we all ought to get ready for a Santorum presidency, packed, as he told the CPAC crowd Sunday, with . . .
staunch GOP conservatives. Already employing the imperial “we,” he promised:
“As President of the United States we will surround ourselves in this administration with people who share our values, with people who are committed to the principles that made this country great, leaders of the conservative movement.” [video]
So, it seems inevitable. We shall be ruled by insane clowns in bow ties.
Time to look at his own campaign site, Belwo, have a peek at one grouping of his presidential objectives, “Executive Branch Actions.” You’ll see just how he plans to translate “conservatism” into “radical action.” . . .
From his Netsite:
“Executive Orders, Rulemaking and other Executive Branch Actions
•Repeal Clinton-era Title X family planning regulations, and will direct HHS to restore the separation of Title X family planning from abortion practices and restore a ban on referrals for abortion
•Reinstitute the Mexico City Policy to stop tax-payer funding or promotion of abortion overseas
•Ban federal funding for embryonic stem cell research
•Restore conscience clause protections for health care workers
•Defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court
•Ban military chaplains from performing same sex marriage ceremonies on military bases or other Federal properties
•Repeal Obamacare mandate for contraceptive services in healthcare plans
•Re-direct funds within HHS so it can create a public/private partnership with state &local communities, not-for-profit organizations, and faith-based organizations for the purpose of strengthening marriages, families, and fatherhood
•Veto any bill or budget that funds abortion or funds any organization that performs abortions including Planned Parenthood
Congressional Directives
•Call on Congress to abolish the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
•Advocate for a Personhood Amendment to the Constitution
•Call on Congress to pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
•Advocate for a Federal Marriage Amendment to the Constitution
•Call on Congress to reinstitute Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell
•Call on Congress to pass the Workplace Religious Freedom Act
•Call on Congress to reinstitute 2008-level funding for the Community Based Abstinence Education program
•Advocate for a federal law permitting schools to allow prayer at graduations, football games and other school functions”
So, he’s a visionary, of sorts, a 14th century visionary, but a really forward-looking 14th century visionary. Let’s get ready for the coming ch-ch-changes . . .